I like to run, that's no secret. However, I'm not the most graceful of lopers, as folks I run with back in Honolulu can attest. Every year it seems, I take a spill while running on the sidewalk or road. Hence, I've never been a big fan of trail running. Way too many obstacles for me to stumble over and go head over heels. However, Kenneth, the young dude who works here and does the painting for our signs, likes to trail run so I figured I would give it a shot. It's just 3 kilometers from the hotel down to the river and the waterfall, and it's a wide enough trail, mostly gravel with some paved parts, so it's not too treacherous. Today, while we were running back, trying to beat an incoming thunderstorm that was rolling in, we came across a family of monkeys hanging out in the trees above and ahead of us. (Remember, don't stand directly under a monkey, as they have a twisted, scatalogical sense of humor.) We both gave our best monkey calls, and the leader of the family responded in kind, and started shaking the tree that he was in. The others just hung about and watched the show. Howler monkeys sound a lot like growling dogs, with some barks tossed in there.
That's a good run, when you can get a chance to take a break and shoot the breeze with the simians along the way.
Stopped to partake in a fruit that looks like a green chili pepper, but is actually very, very sour. Packs more pucker than the best Granny Smith apple. Very good stuff. Can't remember the name now, but will try to get a pic of it up at some point.