Now, if you guessed that this is about beer, then good for you. . . Personally, I've always been a fan of a bottle of beer over a can. . . Can't give you any scientific or emperical reasons why, it just seems to taste better coming from a frosty bottle, with droplets of water streaming down the side. Sure, aluminum is supposed to keep things colder for a longer period of time, but there's just something about a cold bottle of beer in the tropics that rings more true than a can. . . The other day, we were shopping and I was going to pick up a six-pack of Imperial, the most popular beer here in Costa Rica. I noticed that a can was 550 colones (about $1) while a bottle was 435 (I even went to one of the scanners scattered about the store to double-check on the price, and it was 435) . . . Bonus -- cheaper and a bottle! -- I thought. . . I grabbed six bottles and went up to the cashier thinking of happy thoughts of cold beer from a bottle . . . She rang them up, and it came to over 1,000 colones ($2) per bottle. . . Hmmmm, something's amiss, I thought. . . Luckily Lucy was there and asked the cashier what the problem was. . . There's about a 500-plus colone deposit on each bottle. . . A serious metaphorical and reality bites buzz-kill . . . Back went the bottles and out came the cans. . .
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