Thursday, August 6, 2009


All right, most folks know that Lucy is the one with the thing for frogs. . . This time, though, even I got excited about seeing one. . .

Lucy went out to grab and refill one of the hummingbird feeders. She brought it inside, and was getting ready to rinse it off, when she noticed a red-eyed tree frog was perched atop the glass bottle. . . These frogs are nearly impossible (at least for me) to spot in the wild, as they can fold up pretty much into a small rectangle, tucking their legs and arms underneath them, and closing their eyes, while perched on a green leaf. . .

When the frog opens its eyes, it's a brilliant red that really stands out, and the feet are a bright orange, while parts of the underside are a nice blue. . . It does secrete poison, so we didn't touch it. . . We used a stick to move it from the feeder onto a green leaf, where it promptly closed its eyes and does whatever it does when it closes its eyes. . .

Alas, there was a pretty good rain storm with some winds later on in the evening, and the frog vamoosed for better protection from the elements, we're guessing. . . It hung out on the leaf for most of the day. . .

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