Thursday, November 19, 2009

Things that glow in the night. . .

OK, this isn't a real picture, and even if I did have the camera, there was no way it was going to turn out. The other night, I was shining the light on our front gate, which is about 750 meters or so from the house. We do that to make sure that guests close it when they come in and out of Tree Houses. This evening, though, while seeing the red reflectors we have on the gates, I also saw a pair of green eyes staring back. No idea of what it was. The eyes would be there for about 10 to 15 seconds, then they would be gone. Then they would come back again. Guess whatever it was didn't appreciate having a big spotlight shined in its direction. Could be anything from a sloth to a jungle cat of some sort or a monkey, though I doubt monkey, as it wasn't that high in the trees.

Which brings us to the question:

What was staring back in the night, halfway up a tree?
Jungle cat
Something from Alien vs. Predator
uggs on sale

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