Saturday, April 24, 2010

Mmmmmmmm. . . cheese. . .

It won't come as a surprise to the folks that know me that I like cheese. It can come in a brick, a slice, an aerosol can, shredded, spiced up in a can: you name it, I love it.

The other day, though, may have been the top of my cheesy career. While waiting for the U.S. embassy to re-open here in Buenos Aires, we wandered down to find some lunch. We found a nice little pizzeria and ordered a medium ham, pepperoni and olive pizza. While perusing the menu, the grilled provolone with tomatoes, ham and olives caught my eye.

We didn't really know what to expect, but figured it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot. Suffice to say, that when the dish arrived, I was reduced to a quivering, drooling mass of Homer-like proportions.

It was a good-sized brick of provolone cheese, topped with thin-sliced proscuitto ham, tomatoes, olives, pimentos and another type of cheese liberally sprinkled and melted on top. It literally melted in our mouths as we chowed it down.

I have no idea if this is particular to Argentina or other places, but if anyone comes across it at some point, we highly recommend it.

1 comment:

Jason Durall said...

That sounds awesome!