Wednesday, June 2, 2010

More road. . .

This is actually the road that we have cleared. It didn't come through the first time, so just posting some more pictures.

Bejuca and Mini-B have given the road their official stamp of approval as only dogs can do.


Anonymous said...

From this angle Bejuca looks a little like a wild pig.

Are there any wild pigs in your neck of the woods?

lu-mar said...

there indeed are wild pigs. . . it's a pecary, which is a type of pig. . . really smelly buggers, too. . .

Unknown said...

um, i think anonymous wants to eat the wild pigs!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes I do! Howz about some Kalua Peccary, any takers?

lu-mar said...

kalua peccary would, indeed, be some mighty tasty vittles. . . we just had chicharones this evening for dinner. . . basically pork short ribs. . . with a lot of fat. . . very good and guaranteed to lop years off the lifespan. . .