Saturday, July 3, 2010

Stop the madness

Yes, we are in the rainy season at the moment. It can come pouring down, particularly in the afternoons. When you're out and about and get caught, nothing you can do, just suck it up and know that you'll get dry in a little while. We do have umbrellas and slickers for when we know we're heading out in the wet stuff.

And now, so does Mini-B, in two different colors. I was hoping for more of a super-hero theme, but this is what Lucy came up with.

When Mini-B is all kitted out in her rain gear, she kind of sulks around and pouts. She does that when it rains, so not sure if the clothes are related to that or not.


Poiduck said...

Better to make 'em look silly than to put them on the menu ... what, no dog-abuse laws in CR?

lu-mar said...

no dog abuse laws, no leash laws, no licensing laws, no pooper-scooper laws. . . whole lot of nothing. . .