Can often turn out to be the most hazardous. As we found out the other day, when Lucy went down to clean out one of the tree houses. Some guests had tromped through a pasture and picked up not-so-lovely critters that stuck to their legs and clothes. After they left for the day, Lucy went down to clean out their tree house. Thinking that she was grabbing the organic spray we use for critters, she doused the interior of the tree house.
The hitch: Lucy had a cold at the time and couldn't smell what she was spraying, which should have been a garlic-laced, organic pesticide. However, it turned out that it was diesel that Miguel and Keneth use for priming equipment around the place. Lucy was still hosing the place down when Darleen came up and immediately recognized the diesel smell.
Long story short (but not a work story) after two hours (in what should have taken 20 minutes) the tree house was put back to normal and order was restored.
The offending bottle has now been properly labeled, so no more worries.
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