Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fire. . .

We interrupt the usual drivel with a bit of late-breaking news.

Last night, the power went out here at the hotel. Not a normal occurence (maybe once every few months) but since we have been waiting for a new transformer and power lines, it has happened a bit more as the old lines just can't handle the load.

Lucy headed up to the box by the front of the hotel to flip the switch. She hauled back here to the house toot-sweet and said the power lines were on fire.

I got to make every sportswriters' dream call, when I called Miguel and told him, for real, we were "En Fuego".

The lines that go from one side of the road to the other were shot and that caused the meltdown and loss of power. The meter box up front was also fried and nearly melted completely down, which was pretty neat to see.

The power company came out and we had power restored in less than 2 hours.

The power guys were happy to climb the poles in the dark and hang out up high while Miguel and I (the only two idjits wearing shorts) stuck to the ground with flashlights to help the guys out. We got chewed stupid by mosquitoes and the electric company guys weren't keen to head back to the meter box, as it's a few yards back into the jungle and they were worried about the snakes.

This, hopefully, will light a literal fire under the electric company to get out here and put in the new lines and transformer.

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