Saturday, February 4, 2012

Construction time. . .

Here is Palomino, the lead builder, starting to break ground on the new tree house. They measured out the dimensions where they need to put the steel supports and then started digging with shovels and some poles that they used to break up the clay-like soil.
It's just Palomino and his two sons, Pelotta and Penocha, here this time. Last time, Numar, helped them out, but he's working another job now.
The soil around here is a little harder than they are used to working with and it takes a bit more time to dig down deep enough for the cement and perling.


Poiduck said...

build a pub and they will come

Anonymous said...

Hi Cuz,wow what an adventure tell lucy hi and hopefully everyone is doing well I will keep up on your adventures:) love ya Pattie

Anonymous said...

My email is down but it will be up soon I will email you then. Pattie