Saturday, May 11, 2013

Presidential visit. . .

Last week, President Barack Obama came to Costa Rica for a visit (around 24 hours).

What did this mean for us in our daily lives? Nothing, as he flew in and out of San Jose, and there were no motorcades rolling by or choppers flying over us.

In and around the San Jose Airport, however, it was a different matter, as the main airport was closed for 2 hours on either side of Air Force One landing, and then the main highway from the airport to San Jose itself was closed for 24 hours.

Friends of ours, who do transportation to/from the San Jose Airport, were left guessing as to when the roads would be opened or closed. Naturally, the travel plans were not disclosed, so a bunch of the roads were closed.

Government workers and other employees in the area had the day off, as they wouldn't likely be able to get to work, anyway.

All in all, a big deal for Costa Rica.

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