Friday, November 15, 2013


For those who don't have an affinity for movies and pop culture from the 1980s, an R.O.U.S. is a Rodent Of Unusual Size.

It's from the movie, "The Princess Bride". A great movie on all fronts.

Recently, we had some guests staying with us, and one of them was obsessed with finding an R.O.U.S. It took a while, but the editorial department finally caught on.

Fortunately, there is an R.O.U.S. that visits the rancho a couple of times a week during breakfast to grab some fruit that the birds have knocked off of the feeders, and they were lucky enough to spot it a couple of times.

The Agouti is nowhere near as fierce as the R.O.U.S. in the movie. It's very skittish and shy and can bolt through the jungle at an amazing clip.

For comparison sake, the average Agouti that we see around the grounds is about the same size as Mini-B, our Min-Pin/Chihuahua mix.


Mike said...

And I was this close to getting Tiff to finally agree to come visit you guys...

Mark B. said...

OK, OK, I'm dense and don't know 80s pop culture and never saw that movie, but explain to me why R.O.U.S. takes "an" vice "a." I saw the same thing when I googled it.

lu-mar said...

dude, you need to watch the "princess bride" . . . you can find it online, not a problem. . . great show... think of it as "an" aribito. . . need that "an" before the hard "r". It is an R.O.U.S., pronounced by the letters, not rous