Friday, October 3, 2014

More excuses, though

Not all bad or lame. Nine years ago on October 1, the lovely and wonderful Lucy Aviles opted to become Lucy Eidson.

In addition to our anniversary, we have been busy with some other things, and we'll bring you up to date on those starting next week.

We realized that in the nine years we've been married, we've lived in Costa Rica for 5-plus of those years, longer than we were hitched in the States.


Tippy said...

Congratulations! !

Poiduck said...

Hey, what can you say, but you're a lucky guy ... And, yes, Lucy is too good for you (but it'll be our secret) ...

lu-mar said...

Indeed, lucky and luckier! Though still can't cut the art department too much slack!

Stew Magnuson said...

That was the week before I began my current job. Nine years goes by fast!