Monday, December 6, 2010

Sloths can squeal!

We never knew that until the other day. Lucy found four sloths all within about 50 feet of each other in two trees down the driveway. One was a tiny little thing, and it looked like it was either trying to latch back onto its mom, or was having a sibling spat with another. The two were hanging on a small branch, about 40 feet above the driveway, and the little one was swiping at the larger one.

The larger one was swatting back, and a high-pitched shriek was the result. Not sure which of the sloths was emitting the squeal, but it was pretty loud.

I have heard sloths hiss before when they are upset, but this was a first to really hear a distinct squeal.

The little one eventually gave up and moved on to another tree. It was moving fast -- for a sloth. Not like a monkey, but compared to other sloths, this one was moving at warp speed.

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