Now that the rains have started to return, it's time to plant.
Costa Rica is an amazingly fertile place where you can (no kidding) cut/trim a piece off a tree/shrub and stick it into the ground and it will start to grow most times.
Here at Tree Houses, the ground is a soft clay-like material (kind of like the pineapple fields in the Islands) and things really take off.
You can even see the evidence on fence posts that the local farmers use to line out their property and to keep their cattle fenced in. They will cut down trees, stick them in the ground and run barbed-wire around their land. After a bit, most times the logs will start to grow, sprouting offshoots that will take off and give the impression that the wire was strung along live trees.
Of course, the rainy season does have its drawbacks in keeping the hotel clean and trees and shrubbery from encroaching onto the road or trails. We can cut back the driveway with machetes mercilessly, only to have everything grow back in a couple of weeks.
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