Yes, that headline should ruffle one feather out there (not the other two!). . . However, we're in the middle of autumn cleaning here at Tree Houses and there are leaves and other junk that needs to be pulled out and taken away.
There are 8 acres, and only myself, Lucy, Miguel and Chiza to take care of it, and we're always in search of additional hands. Lately, Darling, Patricia and Seidy have been sticking around longer to pitch in and clear things out.
The other day, Seidy came in on her day off to work a few hours. She was a one-woman cleaning crew, clearing out a lot of dead stuff and gussying up the place by the Toucan tree house very nicely.
After she was done (about 3 hours of work), it took Chiza six loads with the ATV and trailer to clear away all the stuff that she had cleared (and it's a good-sized trailer).
Oh yeah: During her time, Seidy was bitten by the bullet ants on her leg (see previous entry), killed a venomous snake and didn't break a sweat. She barely raised an eyebrow when telling Lucy the details; just another day in the jungle for Seidy.
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