It's that time of year again, when we get a storm that blows through for 45 minutes to an hour in the afternoons. It is bring some much-needed rain.
The second one of the year also packed some decent winds. For the three faithful readers that remember, high winds aren't the best thing in the middle of the rain forest.
This time, a tree that was probably 100 feet, at least, came down. It clipped the main electrical lines and the phone line, bringing everything down in one fell swoop.
We saw a bit of it out of the corner of our eyes here at the house and then lights out.
The lines were on the driveway and part of the grounds, but the switch on the outside line turned off automatically, so they weren't live, thankfully.
It took about 4 to 5 hours for the electrical line folks to get the lines strung back up (probably about 150 yards of it) and for power to be restored at the hotel.
The phones? Not so lucky. Have new lines coming in, but have to wait for the phone company to throw a switch at the office, and that can't be done until Monday sometime, so no phones for three or four days.
4 to 5 hours? Hell, In Arlington, VA., one of the wealthiest counties in the US. it takes days!
We aren't complaining! That's actually one of the longest times we've been without power. Two fellows from Coopalesca showed up an hour after the lines came down, and we hacked our way through the jungle to find the down lines and they spliced everything together and we had juice again. The power company is really good about that, surprisingly. The phone company? Not so much. No phones for four days.
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