Friday, July 5, 2013

Help Wanted

Needed: A physically fit person that can cook breakfast, clean rooms and do a variety of tasks at a hotel in Costa Rica. 

Qualifications: Desire to work hard, interact with people from all over the world and put up with odd requests from folks at times.

Benefits: Working with a great editorial and art department in the jungle.

Oh yeah: Must be able to climb around 20 steps at six different tree houses spread over 8 acres, plus ladders in some of the tree houses to change sheets, make beds, deliver coffee, clean up the mess of kids (and their parents) and cater to the needs and demands of said kids and adults.

We’re looking for a new person to work at the hotel after Darling announced she was leaving after nearly 4 years to get married and raise a family. Darling actually started at the hotel before we showed up and worked part-time for a while and then became full-time. 

Always friendly and a hit with the guests, she will be missed.

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