Wilson, a driver that we see a lot of here at the hotel, was up the other day and he had a picture on his cell phone that pretty much ensured that the editorial and art department won't be leaving their house for the next few decades.
A fellow driver and friend of Wilson, took a picture of a fer-de-lance that some guides killed on the Sarapiqui (about a 2- to 3-hour drive from where we are at).
We have seen several fer-de-lances since we have been here and they are one of the most venomous snakes in Costa Rica.
This one, though, was amazing. It was 3.8 meters long (we know that the three of you are smart enough to do the conversion to feet) and its head was larger than the editorial department's size 11 sneakers.
That's something that you see in the movies, not when you're out in the jungle (in theory and that is what we will keep telling ourselves when we have to go out and about in the jungle).
Hopefully Wilson will forward us the pic from his cell phone and we will be able to post it here.
just when i thought it was safe to book a trip to costa rica ... oh, well ...
That's a good 40 to 50 miles from where we are; no worries at all!
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