Friday, October 16, 2009

The Mural, Take IV

The wall is starting to take shape nicely, as Keneth is starting to fill in the different animals and critters with color. He's working on a Strawberry Poison Dart Frog (at left), also known as a Blue Jean Frog, and a hummingbird (at right, below). His cousin, Antonio, is helping out on occasion to fill in the areas with color after Keneth has done the main painting. It should be wrapping up soon, and we're looking forward to seeing the whole wall completed.

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Mural, Take III. . .

Keneth is now officially done with the background, and has moved onto pencil sketches of the various animals and critters he's planning on painting onto the wall. . . Hopefully, the sketches will show up in these photos, as he's doing them all in pencil first, and then will go over them with paint.

It's starting to take shape and it looks really good. . . He showed up to start the pencil drawings at 5 a.m. today, and worked until about 2 p.m. He stood in front of the hummingbird feeders for about 20 minutes, with pencil and pad in hand, watching the little buggers flit about before going back to the wall to do his sketch. . .

So far, there's a monkey, sloth, hummingbird, mott-mott, boa, parrot, green-eyed tree frog and a blue-jean frog. At least, I'm guessing as that's what the frogs are, since there isn't any color to them yet. . .

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Slacking. . .

Yes, technically, the the definition, we have been slacking. . . We haven't posted anything in a while and aren't likely to do so too much this month. Ma and Pa Eidson are down for a visit, and we've been busy showing them around and hanging out with them, so the updates will be minimal until the end of the month or early November. Plus, we're headed to Playa Bejuco for a week in a few days, so we won't be near the computer. We will try to post updates on the mural, as it's coming along really nicely.