Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hasta luego. . .

It's time for another break. We're heading to California and Wisconsin to visit the folks and do some shopping and relaxing (hopefully).

Yes, Mini-B will be going with us (she's probably going to hit premier status at this rate) again. No snow for her this time around.

We will be on hiatus, most likely, while traveling and will be back by the end of the month.

Though, it may take a while to get the blogging up and running again, depending on the motivation of the editorial department after a break.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Hmmmmmmm II

A lot of folks really enjoy the breakfasts here at the hotel, and Patricia, Darling and Seidy do a great job and they like to gussy things up with the presentation.

The other morning, breakfast was mango-stuffed French toast, baked in the oven.

One couple took one look at it the dish and devoured it. They were the first to breakfast, and they hung around, drinking their coffee and chatting.

When the next family came down about 15 minutes later, and were served their French toast, the wife hopped out of her seat and asked if she could take a picture of the French toast, before the family dug in, as she hadn't gotten one of her own as they chowed down too fast. The family was accommodating and everyone was happy.

Monday, June 10, 2013


We recently had a nice lady and her family down here with us for quite a few days. She was a very energetic and outgoing person. She kept talking about how she wants to eat where the locals eat, where the locals shop, etc. However, everytime she went to a place, she came back with nary a positive thing to say.

Of course, there is always a chance to get a bad lunch or dinner at any restaurant you go to. However, after the third time, we thought it might not be the restaurants. Several other guests were at the same restaurants on the same days, and they said the food was very good, and they went back the following day.

Never quite what to say or do in the case of the disappointed lady. Plenty of nodding and mm-mm-ing.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

A great time had by all. . .

Apologies for the delay in posting. We had a great time with Abraham and Arcella and were bummed after they left and then we got swept up in the busy day-to-day happenings here at the hotel.

It's summer vacation up in the States, so that means families and we have a lot of them staying with us now (it will continue through the last part of August).

Right now, we are on a run of people from Denver or Chicago, as nearly all of the tree houses are taken up by families from those areas. Their schools must all let out at the same time around there.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

And, they're off!

We have friends who are big fans of the ponies. There are no horse races here, but we've been highly entertained the past few months by the howler monkeys that hang out around the hotel.

The correlation? There is a tiny baby that rides on the back of the mother as she leaps and bounds through the jungle with the rest of the primates.

The baby wraps itself tightly to the mother while she swings from branch to branch with very little daylight between the two--just like a seasoned jockey.

There are some scary moments when the mother misses the first branch that she is aiming for, but she always recovers, and the baby is wrapped tightly around her and hasn't fallen off yet.