Saturday, May 31, 2014

Something that most folks don't get to see. . .

This is way back in the boonies here at the hotel. The river you see is accessible a few hundred yards up to the right, but you can't get to this area unless you do some serious hiking off the trails.

When we went back, we saw jaguar tracks (the cats didn't show themselves to us) and some great sights, including birds, snake skins and other great plants.

We don't tell guests about getting off this beaten path, as it's not the safest route, but it does pay off with a beautiful view.

During the rainy season, the fence posts will be nearly under water at times, as flash-flooding is an issue here in Costa Rica.

Friday, May 30, 2014

No pic, but a great memory. . .

Not every day, but most days, there is a family of agoutis that come down to nibble on the fruit that we put out around the rancho.

An agouti looks like a giant gerbil without a tail. The other day, it was really cool as there was a little baby that was following its mother around; stuck right up the mom's backside.

Everyone at breakfast fell silent and watched the skittish critters scurry around, darting to and fro and reacting to the slightest noise. The babe was glued to mom, but would take off to the jungle at the slightest sound, while mom, somewhat used to the noise, would stay put and eyeball the sweet piece of mango before darting in and bolting back into the forest.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Looking up. . .

And here it is from the side view, when folks drive up. The extended lookout is to the right (hidden by the trees and lack of a large lens) and the bathroom and shower is on the other side of the tree house.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Bigger picture. . .

A larger and overall picture of the front porch. To the left, you can see where the lookout is and there is a glimpse of the interior of the new tree house to the right.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Here is the outside

Of the picture from yesterday. At the end of the walkway here, you can see to the left where the shower will be.

Monday, May 26, 2014

The interior. . .

This is the inside, and to the back side, you can see where the walls haven't been put up, and through that soon-to-be wall is the shower, where folks can pretty much have an outdoor shower experience.

One of the queen beds will be in the foreground of the picture when everything is done.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Here's the front lookout

Which is to the left of the earlier picture. This is where there are chairs and a small table and MaryAnn, the masseuse who works at the hotel regularly, gives folks a massage.

Friday, May 23, 2014

The railings are also up

Around the new tree house. Directly ahead you can see where the driveway will be. This was shot from the front porch of the new tree house. The extended lookout is to the left, though not visible in this picture.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Back from break. . .

And the progress is coming along nicely. Here's the inside of the new tree house. Walls and ceilings are up and windows have been measured.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Break time. . .

By the time the three faithful readers of the blog tune in to today's posting, Mini-B and the art and editorial department will be in the air for California, to visit the loyal readers of the blog for a week-plus.

The blog will more than likely be silent during this time, unless something major happens.

We will return to our irregular-scheduled postings in the mid- to latter-part of May upon our return and when we get caught up with everything.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Kudos to those who can guess. . .

What the mass is in this picture. It's about 40 feet high and it is something that we go out of our way here to eradicate. Though this one will be a challenge.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Another view. . .

This will be from the shower and the wrap-around porch of the new tree house. Plenty of parrots, iguanas, sloths and monkeys hanging around there, chirping at Palomino and the fellows while they are building the tree house.

Friday, May 2, 2014

View from up high. . .

This is a larger picture, because it is worthy of being a big-time picture. This is the lookout on the front porch. When the tree house is completed, the roofing will be there, as will a ceiling fan and some tables and chairs, so folks can sit outside and enjoy the tree-top view.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Inside out. . .

One side of the roof (and remember that the tree house is already about 20 to 25 feet off of the ground). In the background, you can see where the shower will be.

The fellows are just walking on the beams like nothing is going on, and hammering down the roof.