Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Break time. . .

By the time the three faithful readers of the blog tune in to today's posting, Mini-B and the art and editorial department will be in the air for California, to visit the loyal readers of the blog for a week-plus.

The blog will more than likely be silent during this time, unless something major happens.

We will return to our irregular-scheduled postings in the mid- to latter-part of May upon our return and when we get caught up with everything.


Stew Magnuson said...

but you're leaving me hanging ( joke intended) on the May 5 posting. What the hell is it?
AS one of your three loyal readers, am I expected to wait until the later part of May for an answer!
Probably wasps!

lu-mar said...

We're back and sorry to keep you hanging. . . It isn't wasps, but the pesky, wood-eating critters that are the enemies of tree houses world-wide.