Monday, August 22, 2011

A scheduled break. . .

We are outta here for a week for vacation. OK, not really a vacation as we will
spending the lion's share of our week off in San Jose finalizing our permanent
residency paperwork, getting our driver's license and standing in a lot of lines.

No computer access from where we'll be and we don't want it. There will be enough time dealing with bureaucracy and other things and more than likely there will be tales to tell and exaggerate upon our return.

There is a casino not too far from where we will be staying and if we hit the jackpot, we plan to hire someone to write the blog for us. Assuredly, it will be someone more literate and frequent that we can manage!

So, Jungle Journey will be on hiatus until the end of August or the first of September.

In our absence, one of the better blogs out there is Blog My Rabbit, run by an outstanding journalist in Lewiston, Idaho. Check it out.

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