Thursday, November 15, 2012

Skating with the dorks. . .

Then, of course, when the rain stops and the sun comes out, that present an entirely different challenge.

There is ceramic tile in and outside of the house here and once it finally stopped raining and the sun came out, everything was slicker than goose gizzards (to paraphrase Cooter from the Dukes of Hazzard).

The walls inside and out were sweating as were the tiles and it made for some treacherous treading at times.

Mini-B went bolting for the front door when some guests rang the doorbell and she couldn't stop, skidding about 6 feet before banging herself into the screen door. No injuries, but very entertaining.

Another time, the phone in the house rang and we were at opposite ends of the house, and we were pretty much slipping and sliding to get inside to answer the call.

We would like to think that Mini-B (and us) learned a lesson, but sadly, that isn't the case.

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