Friday, March 15, 2013

Sometimes you don't need to. . .

be the one that drops the egg on someone's head. As the three followers know, breaking an egg(s) over someone's head is a birthday tradition in Costa Rica (along with other occasions).

The other day, Miguel asked for a letter as he was applying for a loan, and needed employment verification. Keneth, who works with Miguel, was being nosy and asked Miguel why he needed the letter.

Miguel told Keneth that it was a reference and that he was leaving here to go work at a large hotel in Fortuna. Keneth was disappointed and asked everyone, everyone, if this was true. This went on for two days.

Finally, in the morning, I confirmed to Keneth that, sadly, it was true, that Miguel was leaving, and the next day was to be Miguel's last.

I told Keneth that since Miguel will expecting an egging the next day, we would have to get him today. Keneth gladly accepted the egg and about 20 minutes later came running up with a wide grin on his face. Miguel wasn't entirely thrilled and was wondering what had just happened.

Keneth told him: "Felize viaje!" which is happy journey.

A good suggestion is just as good, or better, than doing it yourself, it appears.

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