Saturday, June 13, 2015

Birthday time!

Our good friends, Palomino and his sons, invited us to their family's birthday party in Monterrey, Costa Rica.

We have been lucky enough to go to the party for the past three years, since Christopher was 4-years-old. We went again last week and enjoyed great times and fellowship with the folks. This year, Lucy participated in Pin-The-Nose-On-The-Clown.

Despite excellent guidance in English from the sole non-native Spanish speaker, the art department finished four out of four, with the nose about 4 feet from the target.

Afterward, it was time for the pinata. The little ones are blindfolded and they take massive swings at the paper-mache box that is loaded with candy and other treats. Keep in mind that only the kids are the ones that get to take a whack at the pinata.

However, once the pinata has been breached, it is every man, woman and child for themselves. Picture 200 tootsie rolls, juju-bees, milk-duds, etc.  and 50 folks from age 7 to 70 diving in a rugby scum for candy. Truly a great spectacle that needs to be seen first-hand.

Do not even think of asking for a piece of the candy from someone coming out under the scrum, either.

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