Saturday, July 25, 2015

A neat feat. . .

Just when we think we may have heard a bit of everything, something else comes down the pike.

We had a great family staying with us from Mississippi last week, and they were heading out on the private ATV ride, on a 1,200-acre ranch not too far from us. The father came down in bib overalls, much to the chagrin of the missus and his daughters.

He was grinnin' and gigglin' when I asked if that was his work attire. It wasn't. "I'm just a redneck from Mississippi," he said, with a shrug.

His wife rolled her eyes and said that his goal was to have a picture of him in his overalls in every country that they traveled to. With just a bit of regret, she recounted their trip to Italy, when he had his picture taken in front of the Colesseum in his overalls ("I couldn't be in the picture with him," she admitted).

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