Saturday, November 14, 2015

Growing up. . .

Lucy came upon Akila one day when she was driving back from Fortuna. Akila was just a wisp of a pup, and was hop-scotching between traffic on the main road between us and Fortuna.

Lucy pulled over, dashed into traffic and pulled Akila out. Akila was tiny, weighing 1.2 kilograms at the time, and could barely walk from one end of our house to the next.

Now, Akila is a maniac and tears around the grounds.

FYI: Her name comes from a kilo (2.2 pounds) when we found her, though since she is a girl, in Spanish, there is an "a" on the end of her name, hence Akila (just a bit over a kilogram). She has long-since outgrown her name.

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