Monday, October 3, 2016

One quirk. . .

About getting married in Costa Rica. . . Since we did a civil ceremony, and had to sign the protocol de registrio, we had to agree to obey the laws of Costa Rica.

Not a problem.

Naturally, the laws were written a long time ago, and the lawyer actually apologized a bit as he was reading us the legal-ese in Spanish.

Highlights (or lowlights):

**The man agrees to bring home the dinero and bacon and to take care of the lady and manage the finances;

**The wife agrees to keep the house and the kids;

We did ask if we could substitute kids for pooches (Mini, Akila and Coquita) and the lawyer informed us that it was not possible.

Considering that the editorial department would be lost without the art department's aid in the finances, we have already broken the law and are getting a feel for living life on the lam!

1 comment:

ExplodingWhaleSports said...

Those Costa Rica marriage laws are crazy ... did you read the part that says you have to cheer for the Linfield Wildcats, in sickness and in health?