Friday, May 29, 2009

Waiter, there's a . . .

Frog in my bowl? Or maybe it's a toad. Either way, it was a big bugger that took up residence in Mini-B's water dish the other day. It just sat there while the pooch sniffed around. I guess she doesn't go after things that are nearly her size, as compared to the cicadas. I tried to get the frog/toad to move so I could try to take a picture of it jumping away, but it wasn't going anywhere; content to just sit there in the water and take in the night. In the evenings, we get a lot of frogs/toads around the outside of the house, from ones this size, to tiny tree frogs not much bigger than my thumbnail. It can be a challenge walking around in the dark at times to avoid stepping on them. So far, no casualties from wayward clod-hoppers.

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