Friday, August 21, 2009

Do not, under any circumstances, ever, ever

Mix meatloaf and pizza with a couple of dogs in a two-day period. We have found this out the hard way after a couple of delectable dinners (one cooked--the meatloaf--and one delivered--the pizza). . .

There is an ongoing debate here in Costa Rica as to what is the best kind of food for the canines. . . One of us insists on feeding treats to the pooches (including cooking up pork chops just for them and feeding them dinner scraps) while the other wishes to stick to traditional dog food materials and treats. . . In Spanish, dog food is concentrado. . . Pizza and meatloaf, while delicious, are not concentrado, and we have been paying dearly in the evenings with eye-watering emissions ricocheting off the walls like a hummingbird on a major sugar high. . .

1 comment:

Dumpster Diver said...

Let me guess. Lucy is the scrap feeder and Mark wants to stick to dog food. Am I right????? Is it all about economics????