Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Gecko vs. bug. . .

No pictures with this one, though snapshots would not suffice; video would have done it much better. . . We were lying in bed the other night, watching TV, when we saw a good-sized gecko scurrying up the wall by the televison. . . We kept an eye on it, wondering what it would do. It didn't do much, just stayed stuck to the wall and flashed a few inches once in a while.

Then a medium-sized cockroach landed on the wall, about 2-3 inches from the gecko. . . Less than 10 seconds later, the gecko had scrambled over, pounced and sucked up the cockroach. Then the gecko scuttled down between the wall and the dresser, presumably to enjoy its late-night snack.

It was like watching Animal Planet in person, kind of cool to see nature in action that up close and personal.

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