Saturday, September 4, 2010

'It's just a number'

That was what one of our guests said to me, when I commented on the activities that her and her friend had lined up for their time here at Tree Houses.

Over seven days, the two friends--who met in junior high-- went ziplining (about 100 feet up in the air, flying from platform to platform); horseback riding to the La Fortuna Waterfall (which includes 492 steps to get down and then 812 to get back up: got that math wizards?); floating down the Penos Blanca River and riding ATV quads all over the place.

When all was said and done, there were a few bruises and cuts, but they said they wouldn't trade it for anything. They figure they're only going to be around here once, so why not go for it? No sitting around and complaining for these folks.

And their age? 62 and 63, though you would have guessed 15 years younger.

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