Monday, July 25, 2011

Birdie 911

The other day, a small bird nearly brained itself when it flew into the window here at our house.

Luckily, it didn't snap its neck, but it was stunned pretty badly. Patricia and Seidy took turns blowing into its mouth and into its rear (yes, that's what you do, stop sniggering) and then we gave it some water. Patricia was rewarded with a nice stain on her shirt.

After the bird seemed like it was on the mend, Lucy made a nest out of a small basket and some towels and we put it on top of the barbecue--out of reach of Mini-B and the rest of the dogs.

We would walk by and check on it from time to time and finally around 6 p.m., we pulled back the towel and the bird was gone. It had recovered enough to make its way to parts unknown.

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