Monday, September 26, 2011

Inspection of lines. . .

The inspector from Coopalesca came out and gave everything the official Okely-Dokely after Miguel had put up the posts and the other box and the wiring. He said it was a great job and was impressed with the work.

The inspector then put in the work order to have some fellows come out to install the meter.

They showed up to put in the meter late in the afternoon a couple of days later, and we were finally ready to complete the final steps.

However, these yahoos said that there was more work that needed to be done, so they packed it in and didn't do anything. Miguel needs to do some more welding and change one of the cables out.

Then, we'll have the inspector come out again and then the meter guys and then the dude to hook everything up to the new transformer.

That, of course, will happen when pigs fly and the folks get on the same page.

The over/under is set for Christmas when this will actually be finished.

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