Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Shudder. . . (snake). . .

While I was walking around and showing the owners some of the changes here at the hotel, I noticed a dark frog that was sprinting along, and went up onto the porch. I turned and watched the critter, pointing it out to the owner, who shrieked. I didn't realize she had an aversion to frogs. Turns out she didn't. There was a snake, about 2.5 feet long, that was less than 6 inches from my leg.

The snake had reared up and was eyeballing my calf like it was a turkey dinner. I scooted out of the way and the snake went into the brush. Just had a quick look at the critter and afterward, researching it with Rolando in the guidebooks, came to the conclusion that it was non-venomous. That's my story and I'm sticking to it, or else I'll wet myself everytime I think about it.

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