Saturday, July 4, 2009

Holiday haze. . .

Happy Fourth of July! Not being in the States, the holidays that are uniquely American tend to creep up on you, and if you're not careful, pass you by. We were reminded of today's holiday on several fronts: Lucy's mom's birthday is July 4; my parents and I talked about the holiday this morning; and a very nice British family, living in the Netherlands, wished us a Happy Fourth as well.

For Memorial Day, we had to think twice and check out a calendar down here. I imagine it will be the same for Labor Day.

Costa Rica has quite a few holidays as well, and we're reminded of them by the folks who work at the hotel, as they either get the day off or get double-time. Just like we used to count the holidays back home when we were working for our companies, it's the same down here.

No fireworks on tap for today, unless a thunder and lightning storm rolls in, though.

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