Friday, November 13, 2009

Breaking the law. . .

Albeit inadvertently.

Had a chance to show off my Spanish the other day, and failed miserably. Lucy was in La Fortuna running errands, and I was watching the place while she was gone. An official from the region came up and had a police officer with him. I assumed they were making their rounds and was chatting along in my poor Spanish. After a few minutes, I realized this wasn't a social call when Patricia and Keneth -- knowing my limited language capabilities broke it down for me. Due to a banking snafu, the business license for the hotel had not been paid for several months, and they were here to collect, with the police, for five months of back dues. Pony up, or we're closing you down was the basic message. Of course, while they were here, two groups arrived at the same time to check into the hotel, and another person called from out of the country to make a reservation. Finally, all was worked out, Patricia and Miguel hustled up to the offices to make the payment and order was restored -- after I had picked up 27 more gray hairs.

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