Saturday, November 21, 2009

Not-so warm and fuzzy. . .

Miguel, our handyman and jack of all trades here at Tree Houses, came across this little beauty while walking between the neighbor's property and ours. It's off the path where any tourist ever goes. I think this is about 2- to 3-feet long. And it's very poisonous. Miguel said that he was walking over cutting brush when he came across the bugger. I believe it's a fer-de-lance, though I can't remember what it is called in Spanish. Miguel took care of it and brought it down to show me, knowing I'm terrified of snakes. This is one of the more venomous snakes in the area, and if someone were to be bitten, they would need to get to a hospital within 15 to 20 minutes. The nearest hospital is about 20 minutes away. This is the first big snake we have seen here, and I hope it's the last. I have a cousin that is considering coming down here, so Tip, don't worry, it's fine, this was just an exception!

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