Thursday, July 8, 2010

Needed: Someone who hasn't read Tom Sawyer

The other day, there was a not-so-fun job to do here at the hotel. Time to clean and paint the front fence. Half of it was done earlier with the power washer. Very quick, very clean. However, we don't have enough hose here at Tree Houses to take care of the whole job. Hence, it was time to scrub the thing by hand.

Here in the rain forest, moss, gunk and other various things grow quickly on things, and the fence is no exception. Keneth, who started, and I helped him in the middle part (it's still a ways away from being finished) hauled a trash can full of water up to the fence, and then mixed in bleach and soap to scrub the fence clean. It was about 95 degrees out and the humidity was about the same, and it wasn't the most pleasant of jobs. We were using regular brushes, steel brushes and sponges to clean the fence. It still took a long time and there's still plenty to go. Once it's finished, then it will be time to paint. There are plenty of neighbor kids that are watching, so hopefully we can tell them how fun it is and then they can take over the process.

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