Saturday, October 16, 2010

There's always something. . .

About six months ago, Miguel and I were working at one of the tree houses and there were a swarm of little insects that were going in and out of some of the perling. Miguel said we needed to spray some of the garlic bug spray in there, so I got it and got ready to spray. Before I did, I asked him if these bug bit or stung.

"No, no, no, Mark. No pican," was his reply, with pican being the word for bite.

I gave them a good hosing and surprise, surprise, they did bite and I got a few stings, much to Miguel's delight.

The other day, when I was getting ready to take down a termite nest near where we are building the new rancho, I ran into a swarm of the buggers, getting them stuck in my hair and doing a funky hoe-down in the woods to get them off. Miguel wasn't around, so I told him I couldn't reach the termite nest, and would he please go and do it.

He gave me a look of disgust (basically calling me a weenie with his eyes) and stomped back into the jungle to take care of the critters.

Fortunately for Miguel, bummer for me, he spotted the bugs just before they got to him and he came jogging out saying we needed to stay away from there. After about 30 seconds, I lost it and started rolling and Miguel realized I had tried to set him up.

Still not sure how we're going to get to the termite nest.

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