Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ambidesxtrous-challenged or just a goof?

Being a Yankee fan, of course Jim Abbott is the greatest pitch of all time. Technically, he wasn't ambidextrous, but he was a marvel. And switch-hitters are amazing.

Personally, I can perhaps scribble my name with my left hand if I had to. Throw a baseball or football? Forget it. I'm way past the time of being an even mediocre athlete and the days of Luke and Murphy Jensen (look it up, you tennis infidels) are way behind me.

However, recently I ran into a conundrum while watering plants around the hotel. Keep in mind that we have 8 acres here and we're still in the dry season, so we need to take hoses and sprinklers around to keep some of the more fragile plants green.

With my trusty Ipod Shuffle strapped to my left arm (I am right-handed), I was out watering plants the other day. After it was time to roll up the hose and move the sprinkler to another locale, the Ipod was in the way. No worries, I figured I would roll up the hose on my right shoulder using my left hand.

It was like trying to figure out a Rubik's Cube, to be honest. The left hand did not know which way to go to get the hose wrapped up on the right shoulder.

Now, before you all crack wise, give it a shot--particularly the fellow in Maile who is into gardening and is probably the authority. It ain't easy.

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