Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hot, hotter, hottest. . .

It's hot. No getting around it. It's around 90 or so most days, and the humidity is about 90 percent as well. Makes for a lot of three-shower days. There are no tradewinds like back in Hawaii; not much of a breeze at all to cool things off. However, it's not as bad as it is on the Pacific Coast, where it can be 5 to 10 degrees warmer and higher humidity. Sometimes the dogs don't even want to move, just lying on the tiles around the house to try to cool down. They don't even object when we hose them down, so that's a good time to give them a bath. Talked to the folks the other day and they said it was 80 degrees in Wisconsin. Talked to them a few days later and they were getting ready for some snow. That's just nuts, so maybe we won't complain too much down here.

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