Wednesday, April 28, 2010

One lazy day. . .

We just had a great, great day here in Buenos Aires. . . No, we didn't trek to Recoletta to see the sights or do any of the tourist things. . . We just hung low here at the condo we rented and relaxed. . . Yes, very lazy and un-touristy-like, but it was a great day. . . After we recovered, we had to actually count on our little fingers when the last time we hung out in bed to do be lazy bums, and it has been a while. While working at the hotel, we cannot plan on any free time, as there is always darleen, keneth, miguel, or a guest wanting something. Then there are the phone calls, etc., so it was really just a great time to hang out and watch tv and do nothing. . . not very exciting, to be sure, but still a great day . . .

1 comment:

Jason Durall said...

I'm envious.

I can't remember the last day I was able to sleep in and do nothing but hang out and do what I wanted.

It's not months I'm talking about... it's years.