Saturday, August 4, 2012

Tales from the odd side II

Also once in a while, we will get folks that e-mail us with their business Web site or other things as their signature at the end of their e-mail. Always kind of fun to see who is coming here, as we have seen actor's bios, TV executives, etc., down here.

This happened recently with a couple from the States, and the Web site tag read "relaxation and therapy masseuse". . . That sounded intriguing, and so I clicked on the Web site to find that the woman was a relaxation therapist that specializes in all kinds of wellness therapy "for the body and spirit."

Interesting, but nothing earth-shattering. I figured it would be a nice conversation piece for breakfast one morning.

The couple never made it to breakfast. On two of the three nights they were here, we called them a taxi where they went to the local grocery store and brought back six to eight bottles per night (and it wasn't soft drinks). They never made it to breakfast, and on the last night they were here, they decided to have a screaming match from inside their tree house. Unfortunately, we didn't hear it here at our house, though the guests in the next tree house (about 75 yards away) heard it loud and clear at 4 a.m. and asked if everything was OK. They did make it up for their ride to the airport and no one was injured.

The driver that took them back to the airport had some interesting observations of the two, but since this is a family blog, we won't pass those along.

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